Contact Information for David Jensen Photography
You can contact me in several ways:
By Phone at 541-426-4193
Fax number is the same above.
E-Mail: djensen@eoni.com
Alternative web site with a different selection of keyword searchable images: http://www.agpix.com/djensen
If you would like to stop by the studio, please contact me in advance.
My Postal and Street Location is:
405 South Street
Enterprise, OR 97828
My Work is Represented at these Fine Art Galleries:
Blue Spruce Gallery, 550 Industrial Way #45, Bend, OR 97702
Bookloft/Skylight Gallery, 107 E. Main, Enterprise, OR 97828
Valley Bronze of Oregon, 18 Main St., Joseph, OR 97846
Valley Bronze of Oregon, 1198 Commercial St., Astoria, OR 97103
William Joseph Gallery, 526 S.W. Yamhill St., Portland, OR 97204